first of all a short explanation for the people who dont know what backing / staking is :
Poker staking is the act of one person putting up money for a poker player to play with in hopes that the player wins. Any profits are split on a predetermined percentage between the backer and the player. A backed player is often known as a “horse”. The player will then use the money to play in a poker tournament or cash game.
The concept of staking players has been around for a long time in the poker industry. It is common for poker players to get staked in live events as the buyin for these tournaments can be very large.
Poker Staking allows upcoming players to get involved in the larger tournaments without having to spend lots of time building up a bankroll at the smaller levels.
im selling 40% of my 109$ omaha xl event on 888 poker (to reduce variance since its out of my bankrollmanegement zone )
so if anyone is interested send me message
my plo tourney stats on 888 are + -
my ROIstd on plo = 80 %
my ROIadj on plo = 70%
my ROIbi on plo = 65 %
itm % = 40 % for any further info / price pm me or ask me in chat if im online cheers gl @ the tables victorlwd